Green Pool Service

Save time & money when it comes to reviving your green pool back to a Positive Pool. Our green pool service technicians are highly experienced at resolving any green pool, no matter the severity.

When it comes to green pools, many people are put off by the time it takes to remove the algae. At Positive Pool Servicing, our service technicians pride themselves on restoring green pools as quickly as possible to ensure your family can enjoy swimming again!

It’s a very rewarding experience for you & our technicians to watch your pool go from green > murky > cloudy blue > blue within a week!


  • Insufficient Chlorine levels maintained in the water.

    Insufficient Salt levels required for your Chlorinator to produce chlorine.

    Consistently high phosphate levels - typically after heavy rainfall. High phosphate levels enable Algae growth which left untreated can spread rapidly around your pool.

    An imbalance of PH/Chlorine.

    Faulty equipment that doesn’t provide enough pressure for water circulation around your pool.

    Broken filter/chlorinator timers that disable water filtration in your pool entirely.

    Excess build up of debris/leaves in the pool & skimmer box can turn your pool murky blue & green.

  • Maintaining sufficient chlorine levels either through a Chlorinator system or manually dosing liquid/granular chlorine.

    Lowering or removing high phosphate levels - especially after heavy rainfall. The quicker the response time, the less likely your pool will turn green.

    Maintaining a healthy Ph level of 7.4 - 8.2. This allows your pool water to be safely acidic enough to remove unwanted bacteria.

    Ensuring your pool timers & filtration system are consistently functional for 6-8 hours a day during Summer & 4 hours a day during Winter.

    Consistently emptying your skimmer box to allow adequate water filtration. Buildup of debris within the skimmer box reduces the circulation of water around your pool which causes ineffective filtration.

  • No, it’s not safe to swim in a green pool. The algae that gives the pool its verdant hue includes harmful bacteria and other micro-organisms. It’s best to keep your toes dry until our team has properly treated and cleared the pool.

  • Treating a green pool requires the right instruments, timing and expertise. The process typically involves testing the water, adjusting chemical levels, shocking the pool, running the filter and possibly using algaecide. For best results, we recommend getting in touch and letting our professionals handle it all.

  • The time it takes to clean algae from the pool and restore it to its crystal-clear state can vary depending on how intense the algae growth is. In most cases, our green swimming pool treatment can transform your pool from green to clean in about 3 to 5 days. For mild cases, pools might clear up in 24–48 hours.

  • Even the greenest pools can be rescued. These extreme cases might require more intensive treatment, possibly including partial draining, multiple shock treatments and extra filtration. It might take a bit longer, but we're up for the challenge.

  • Regular testing is key to preventing green pool issues. We recommend testing your pool water at least 2 times a week during the swimming season and once a week during the off-season.

    If you've recently had a green swimming pool treatment, you should test more frequently (daily or every other day) until the water chemistry stabilizes.

  • The frequency of pool shocking depends on different factors, including usage, weather and water quality. As a general rule:

    1. For residential pools with average use — Shock once a week

    2. For heavily used pools — Shock twice a week

    3. After heavy rain or intense use — Shock immediately

    Regular shocking is key to keeping algae growth at bay and maintaining water quality.

  • Preventing algae growth is always easier than having to clean algae from the pool later.

    Here are some top tips:

    • Regularly test and adjust your pool's pH, chlorine and alkalinity levels

    • Ensure your pool filter runs for at least 6–8 hours a day

    • Brush and vacuum regularly to prevent algae from settling on surfaces

    • As mentioned earlier, shocking helps prevent algae growth

    • See to it that all return jets are positioned correctly for optimal water movement

    • If you notice any changes in water clarity or colour, act quickly

    Remember, if you're ever unsure or need help, our green swimming pool treatment experts are just a call away.

Reasons to call in the green pool experts

When your pool turns green, you might be tempted to roll up your sleeves and handle it yourself. But before you dive in, consider the perks of calling in a professional green swimming pool treatment service:


Our team has been cleaning up green pool for years. We've seen it all — from slightly cloudy to pea soup green — and know exactly how to handle each situation.

Every pool is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Our technicians can quickly decode what it needs and administer the most effective green swimming pool treatment .


While DIY might seem cheaper at first glance, it can often turn into a money pit of trial and error. Our professional service is like hitting the bullseye on the first throw.

We bring the right tools and treatments from the get-go, saving you from buying a cabinet full of products you might never use again. In the long run, our service could actually save you money.

Time saving

Wrestling a green pool back to blue can be a time-consuming task. By bringing in the experts, you free up your day for what matters most.

Our team will handle everything from initial assessment to final treatment, even giving any necessary equipment some TLC if needed. You get to enjoy your restored pool without lifting a finger.


Handling pool chemicals can be dangerous if you're not trained properly. Our professionals know how to safely handle and apply these chemicals, protecting you, your family and your pool.

Long-term solutions

At Positive Pool Servicing, we go beyond just clearing the green — we’re here to future-proof your pool.

During our service, we’ll identify what caused your pool to turn green in the first place. Whether it's equipment failure, improper chemical balance or inadequate maintenance, we'll provide you with a plan to keep your pool crystal clear year-round.